Kiyo :: Chaotech Odd Echo (Schematic, CD)

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429 image 1 It’s that area of dry, white noise where sounds begin to fizzle on the burner and melodies start to form around the edges. It’s that moment in time when you’re driving alone at 3am and a chaotic sheet of mechanical thumps begin to twist your reality. As time stretches, beats begin to collate, and those warm digital crumbs start to fall off the table. This is the sound of Chaotech Odd Echo. A new product from the Schematic home base in Miami, Florida where the curators of bizarre beats is part of everyday consumption.

Almost chaotic in nature, but firmly routed in micro-textures, this debut release by Japan based Kiyoshi Ono shows some interesting characteristics. With a compilation appearance on Schematic’s recently released Well-Suited For General-Purpose Audio Work, as well as a track on Merck Records, Kiyo’s debut full-length cuts a path into the obscure vortex of crunchy electronic ambience. Seemingly out of no where Kiyo dropped this musical package on the doorsteps of the Schematic Music Company with a note reading, “Enjoy warm noise from Japan.” Certainly an understatement there. The ambient washes featured on this disc are treated with careful downbeat rhythms and often colored by thoughtful yet tangled tweaks.

If you can imagine the intersection between Arovane, Delarosa & Asora and Nacht Plank where an aural representation of structured glitch is the key element behind each musical piece, then you have an idea of what to expect on this circular cosmic disc. As the title suggests, Chaotech Odd Echo is just that –A mixture of odd chaotic echo’s that will certainly have people scratching their ears.

Chaotech Odd Echo will be available on Schematic Music Company on July 8, 2003.

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