Further Translations is a collection of remixed works by Kenneth James Gibson. Each of the contributions examines, infers and expands upon the original materials with surprising grace and spiritual depth in each.

In the calm of a morning sea after a storm
The music of Kenneth James Gibson exists in the wide open spaces of the world not just the prairies of Canada, El Paso (Texas), or his physical coordinates between Los Angeles and Idyllwild, California. It’s in the wide open Savannah’s of Africa where the sun beats down upon the Namibia and the Kalahari. It’s in the calm of a morning sea after a storm, where wind drifts lazily and the sun dapples the catspaws and eddies. It’s in the frozen places where snow is carried uninterrupted for miles and miles of blinding white darkness.
Further Translations is a collection of remixed works by Kenneth James Gibson. Each of the contributions examines, infers and expands upon the original materials with surprising grace and spiritual depth in each. Jack Dangers delivers a somber piece in “David’s Pass,” layering interwoven sheets of sound and synthetic drones to create deep textures from Gibson’s work. Scanner’s “Small Triumphs And Deep Disappointments” evokes a dark aural latticework of untamed wild myopic intelligence in the rumblings are warbling of his looped composition. Gibson himself reworks his “In The Fields Of Everything” adding extra space and soundscapes to it, evoking both a malign and redemptive atmosphere in the work.
A highly recommended collection of moving ambient and atmospheric works both by the artist himself and the assembled contributors including Christopher Willits, Scanner, Brian McBride, Jack Dangers, Awakened Souls, Less Bells, Chuck Johnson, and Konstantin Gabbro.
Further Translations is available on Meadows Heave Recorders. [Bandcamp]