Jurko Haltuu :: And In My Tears and In The Heaviness Of Everything I Drowned (Shimmering Moods)

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A vast, intimate and deeply sorrowful exploration of the mind, its search for salvation.

After a short summer break, Shimmering Moods are back with three new monthly releases with a pretty autumnal-moodily introspective flavor, faithful to the standards of organic/experimental ambient music. Let’s have a few words about the new release by Jurko Haltuu, a sound artist from Sweden who offered a lot of self-released materials (ultra limited handy craft editions as tapes) in the past few years. Titled And In My Tears and In The Heaviness Of Everything I Drowned his new release is a vast, intimate and deeply sorrowful exploration of the mind, its search for salvation. Musically it is exclusively built on sinuous drones, blurry noises and mantra-like soundscapes inside a very isolationist aesthetic atmosphere. Spacious and cloudy undulating bass frequencies are prevailing musical ingredients. The sonic sound tapestry will easily haunt the listener and lead him to some inner voyages. The album is structured as one long ambient piece divided in various parts, constantly meditative, solemn, diaphanic and brooding at the same time. Those linear dronescapes and impressionistic moving textures remind me the aural immersion of spleen-like musical sculptures offered by Aeolian String Ensemble, Mirror and Exit in Grey. In brief, this new Jurko Haltuu’s album elaborates expressive-mournful drones at its finest. A recommended choice if you like tactful and deep home listening for your reflective, hazy dreamlike moments.

And In My Tears and In The Heaviness Of Everything I Drowned is available on Shimmering Moods.

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