Ignatius :: Hudibrastic & Smug Ruins EPs (Buried In Time)

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Ignatius blends (these) interconnected noisy streams into mangled glitch sandstorms and electrical distortions.

Ignatius certainly knows a thing or two about modular equipment, on both Hudibrastic and Smug Ruins, it’s evident that there’s more to life than waiting for another round of Autechre material. If elseq-1-5 was any indication of Ae’s “constantly shifting focus,” than Ignatius continues in a similar trajectory and production technique. Tiny melodic blurbs entangle with abrupt bass thuds, clangs and DSP-trickery. Less electro focused this time around, two synthesizer excursions are revealed via abstract means and methods.

True to previous sound-escapes, Hudibrastic appears to be more solemn and hidden behind shadows, whereas Smug Ruins tilts its bleeps to the lighter side. Above all, there’s an eerie theme on both EPs—fractured, turbulent, and slithering effects cross each other only to be ever so slightly sideswiped by various low frequency emissions. Ignatius blends these interconnected noisy streams into mangled glitch sandstorms and electrical distortions. The results? Well-suited for general-purpose audio work.

Hudibrastic and Smug Ruins are available on Buried In Time.

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