IAEA Headquarters :: Storm 21 (Clean Error)

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The dissection of slanted mechanical sound effects and Autechrean landscapes are seemingly carried by atoms.

IAEA Headquarters :: Storm 21 (Clean Error)

Clean Error have been on a consistent mission of processing and publishing the finest in abstract electronic music from one skewed angle to the next. These clean errors have literally become the norm and the latest album by IAEA Headquarters comes to us somewhat out of the blue but not by surprise.

Rearranged ambient clips and subtle clicks are underscored by distilled sound design ranging from broken percussive rhythms to fractured melodic segues. Perhaps by coincidence or creatively planned, Storm 21 appears to also have been a tropical storm dating back to mid-November 1933. And while we may not know the artists true intentions, there are heavy winds billowing throughout the audio corridors of this album, a testament to how fine-tuned glitch and magnetic noise can blend so well from start to inevitable end. Even the moniker, possibly derived from the International Atomic Energy Agency, leads us to believe that there will be even more to consume as the dissection of slanted mechanical sound effects and Autechrean landscapes are seemingly carried by atoms.

Storm 21 is available on Clean Error and available on Beatport.

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