Enabl.ed :: Tipsy Haux 2.0 (Clean Error)

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Overflowing robust beatwork and rugged melodic strands are featured start to end. If Toytronic was the go-to imprint for brittle and punchy IDM of the past, Clean Error would be today’s.

Also tagged as being “Resprayed with Love,” Clean Error label boss Jimmy Batista (aka Enabl.ed) finally releases Tipsy Haux 2.0— which almost slipped away—now with six extra tracks. Previously planned for Nueva Forma under his Iameb 57 moniker, the 25-track album slides into the radar digitally. As a result, we see the net-label continue in its focused clean electronic-glitch pursuit, their signature firmly embedded in upper level sound design.

Overflowing robust beatwork and rugged melodic strands are featured start to end. Highlights evenly spread throughout—it’s a sonic myriad so vast that it would disservice the whole package to isolate any one piece. Always capturing chiseled electronic music productions, sci-fi graphics, and a penchant for bleeped-out manifests, Batista fine tunes his craft with each release. He also recently noted that TH2.0 was a milestone of his career, and we couldn’t agree more.

TH2.0 simply elevates this specialist sub-genre. It also solidifies the Enabl.ed name-tag as one that is synonymous with the finest in the field. An album to easily get lost within, one that’s detail intensive, and includes literally hundreds of creatively merging ideas. If Toytronic was the go-to imprint for brittle and punchy IDM of the past, Clean Error would be todays.

Tipsy Haux 2.0 is available on Clean Error.

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