How To Cure Our Soul :: Saigon (Audiobulb)

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A beautiful sound map made of sinuous and long-form textured ambiences interact with slow moving variations, short fragmented motifs and soothing harmonies, with a vibrant emotional impact on the listener.

Hot To Cure Our Soul :: Saigon (Audiobulb)

Italy definitely figures among the most representative and interesting countries when we have to refer to sound design and modern ambient experimentalism. We can relate to the pioneering electroacoustic and proto-minimalist works of Pio Rossi, Enore Zaffiri, Mario Bertoncini, Horacio Vaggione as well as the more contemporary experiments of Simon Balestrazzi, Luciano Maggiore, Giuseppe Ielasi and many more sound artists. The duet HTCOS (How To Cure Our Soul) founded by Marco Marzuoli and Alessandro Sergente confirms this tendency.

The two sound architects offer here an immersive and engaging meditative post-ambient release on the sympathetic and recommended Audiobulb label. A beautiful sound map made of sinuous and long-form textured ambiences interact with slow moving variations, short fragmented motifs and soothing harmonies, with a vibrant emotional impact on the listener. The two soundscapes are rather intuitive, narrative with sonic insights for an exquisite invitation to listening meditation. The organic, smoothly imaginative and temporally vertical qualities of the music make this album easily seducing and efficiently evocative to guarantee an emotionally experienced sound journey. Siagon attempts a clever association between atmospheric lounge music and a catchy sense of experimentation. In some way the album can be appreciated inside the range of music therapy technique or at least as a spiritually invigorating musical trip of a great influence to reach quietness and plenitude. A creative calmscape and sophisticated aesthetic listening experience.

Saigon is available on Audiobulb.

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