Cities Last Broadcast & Fractalyst :: Phantasmora (Cryo Chamber)

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Cities Last Broadcast, who is the Swedish expert of paranormal electronics, and Fractalyst, who is the Greek specialist of technical soundscapes, have created an equally disturbing and fascinating album of the finest dark ambient, after death spirits.

A séance soundscape with strange voices that come from thin air and darkness. The antique mirrors show the twilight cityscape horizon, and are loaded to glitchy perfection. Here are discarnate humans and places for ghosts, with long slow sustained atmospheric experiences for your imagination. A movie soundtrack allowing you to imagine your own visuals based on what you think you might hear.

Cities Last Broadcast, who is the Swedish expert of paranormal electronics, and Fractalyst, who is the Greek specialist of technical soundscapes, have created an equally disturbing and fascinating album of the finest dark ambient, after death spirits. Together we progress into spiritual states in new spheres of existence, séances trapped in endless tape loops and ghostly transmissions through analog noise, with feverish madness, séances gone wrong and worry about our ancestor singing in many tongues as reality crumbles.

You know that contact with spirits is possible, and that spirits may dwell on a higher plane, that spirits can provide knowledge about moral and ethical issues, as well as demanding speculation about God and the afterlife. Here an individual’s awareness persists after death and may be contacted by the living. The spirit is said to have communicated through rapping noises, audible to onlookers, but with this outing we have no guarantees.

What I hear is a haunted slow grim dark atmosphere, starting with the first track “To Form a Circle” (5:56). I might hear a guy singing in a strange way, words I am not familiar with, ghostly and slow. I am experiencing the sound of possible neurocognitive processes underlying the formation of paranormal beliefs, suggesting a religion sui generis or of its own with unique characteristics. This is now my home.

“Grandma Sings in Many Tongues” (4:12), brings the sound so strange, close to your ear, suggesting ghost presences and a glitchy carousel. She signals to us here in the natural world, the appearance of a ghost cannot be explained by scientific laws and is thought to involve strange, unknown forces. Not over, the terror breathes down my legs, “Mirroring” (4:12) as the nightmare noises increase, they do not realize that their delusion is abnormal. Sad dirge glitchy dusty old induced delusional disorder, join the “Imprecise Waltz” (4:41), now hush as we move along pausing and then following through flickering from the darkness. Ghostly singing from the glitch, releasing the ‘creature within’ which animates the body, suggesting a sad traditional song, a short connection now broken. This is the finest of magical thinking, mental imagery, subjective validation, coincidence, hidden causes, and artful cunning fraud.

Shadows against the dark of night rumble. Dark and empty except for strange little noises, the memories come into focus upon a glitchpiano hot wind. “Bygone” (3:26) features delusional beliefs that are “transmitted” from one individual to another. A door opens. Dark with odd voice recordings, only fragments, a slow motion dream coming down the stairs. Darkness all around, trembling darkness, “Cellar Eidolon” (7:08). An eidolon is an extraterrestrial visitation with beliefs from existing quasi-religious movements, a ghost is… a ghost is a manifestation of the spirit or soul of a person, the spirit of a deceased person. An eidolon is not a dead person.

Notable paranormal beliefs include those that pertain to extrasensory perception (for example, telepathy), spiritualism and the pseudosciences of ghost hunting, cryptozoology, and ufology. The actual track “Phantasmora” (3:14) suggests that spooky séance soundtrack with whistling wind and bowed instruments.


Phenomenological research seeks largely to describe subjects as they are experienced, rather than to explain them. The explanations for these allied phenomena are phrased in vague terms of “psychic forces”, “human energy fields,” and so on. This is in contrast to many pseudoscientific explanations for other non paranormal phenomena, which, although very bad science, are still couched in acceptable scientific terms. Now I hear a cosmic dark radio searching searching searching. “The Silken Sanity in Asymmetrical Rooms” (5:21) leads me into a trembling atmosphere, populated by terrifying winds and hungry goblins. I can hear them, they have discovered me here. I will try another room, I discover that there is a choir in the tomb. I am lost in the sound of teleportation; poltergeist events; falls of frogs, fishes, and inorganic materials of an amazing range; crop circles; unaccountable noises and explosions; spontaneous fires; levitation; ball lightning; unidentified flying objects; mysterious appearances and disappearances; giant wheels of light in the oceans; and animals found outside their normal ranges, such as the phantom cat. The album Phantasmora by Cities Last Broadcast & Fractalyst cannot be explained by science or reason and seems to involve mysterious forces. This escaped from the Cryo Chamber on June 4, 2024. June 4 is the 155th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

Phantasmora was written, Produced, Performed by Pär Boström & Dimitris Valasopoulos. Artwork by Pär Boström & Simon Heath, and Mastering by Simon Heath.

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