Fasme :: Bloom (Analogical Force)

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Fasme manages to bring everything together in this cheerful and optimistic assemblage by taking even the smallest melodic snippets and transforming them into larger rhythmic feats.

Delicate sonic wonders

Nantes-based Tom Ferreira, also known as Fasme, creates delicate sonic wonders on Bloom, a record that was released back in September 2023 and is currently sold-out on vinyl. It features 10 tracks of braindance beauty and melodic arrangements bending around brittle machine beats. From the robotic electro-nics and Lowfish-infused rhythmic sputter of “F.O.G.” to the synth-stretches of “Spectrum,” Bloom initiates with the magnetic glow of “Solar.” The album’s pace and effervescent tone are both upbeat and nostalgic, alternating between euphoric IDM bubbles (see “Climax”) and the pulsating gloss of “Yellow Polygon.” Still, Fasme manages to bring everything together in this cheerful and optimistic assemblage by taking even the smallest melodic snippets and transforming them into larger rhythmic feats.

Bloom is available on Analogical Force. [Bandcamp]

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