M offers a multitude of low-flying techno spheres that are frequently obscured by its own translucent exterior shell before revealing intricate acoustic layers.

Surrounded by microscopic techno mutations
M is a collection of four previously unreleased minimal techno tracks from more than ten years ago that all begin with the letter M. Dr.Joke’s producer and performer, Frank Bogdanowitz, has been honing his skills for more than 20 years and continues to draw from a variety of sources.
While “Mustart” emanates a darker electronic trajectory replete with harsh bass thuds and gradually unravels, “Milliplex” pushes a multitude of subtle echoes, industrial noises, and synth strands in continual motion. “Mumucu” has a lively feel of tangled glitches and punchy beatwork, while “Moimon” closes with a funkier, unexpected World sound featuring beautiful shamanic capoeira chants and tribal infused breaks that cycle and churn in front of 4/4 drums and a disjointed yet organic groove. Meanwhile, M is surrounded by microscopic techno mutations.
M offers a multitude of low-flying techno spheres that are frequently obscured by its own translucent exterior shell before revealing intricate acoustic layers.
M is available on Clikno March 22, 2024. [Bandcamp]