David Douglas :: Moon Observations (Atomnation)

With summertime air gliding its way in, Moon Observations makes for a comfortable retreat made from downtempo shards and glitch-hop strips rolled into one.

David Douglas unveils Moon Observations via Atomnation and simply maneuvers all forms of laid-back analogous electronics. Dub intermixed with dribbling beats, loosened breaks weaving into ambience and catchy grooves are inherent on each track. Sure, these moon observations may be chock full of sonic impact craters that elicit soothing soundwaves, but it’s when David Douglas opens up his music machines that you begin to feel the breadth of this talented audio architect. Chilled, atmospherically driven and with a few intervening vocal slices, these are tranquilized funk-bass sound-escapes. With summertime air gliding its way in, Moon Observations makes for a comfortable retreat made from downtempo shards and glitch-hop strips rolled into one.

Moon Observations is available on Atomnation.
