Psychic functions, postmodern poetical romanticism and paranormal phenomena are summoned to generate an absorbing, menacing, dreary, ecstatic and eerie cinematic experience.

Micro noises communicate with ghostly tones
Collin Andrew Sheffield is a remarkable experimentalist and sound designer l discovered the work thanks to his release on aufabwegen. He definitely has a primary role in the latest stage of avantgarde electronic art with a subtle and engaging sounding aesthetic which cannot leave the listener indifferent. Moments Lost is welcome by Sublime Retreat. This EP provides a complex and vivid imaginative post-industrial soundtrack where micro noises communicate with ghostly tones, clashing/echoing abstract phrases.
In this new opus we can feel an ominous exploration of subterranean worlds deeply rooted in human sub-consciousness. We dive in the territory of mental landscapes with large enveloping clouds of drone interferences, isolationist textures, languid chordal sequences (as tearful cello sampled melodies) seconded by a collection of manipulated concrete sounds and hypnotic patterns.
Psychic functions, postmodern poetical romanticism and paranormal phenomena are summoned to generate an absorbing, menacing, dreary, ecstatic and eerie cinematic experience. At a stylistic cross between Eric Holm, Mauricio Bianchi, Jim O Rourke, KTL, CM von Hausswolff, Christoph de Babalon, and Adam Pacione. Warmly recommended to any fan of adventurous and cerebral music with a strong, darkly cinematic and melancholic rumbling quality. 20-minutes of pure and exquisite musical levitation in the brooding spheres of the psyche.
Moments Lost is available on Sublime Retreat. [Bandcamp]