Amotken X Idammoro :: Pomegranate EP (Detroit Underground)

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An international collaboration joining Mexico and Russia in a blissful sonic amalgam.

Massaging the ears with uplifting glitched panoramas

A fine-tuned glitch’n bass EP featuring four subtle yet succinct audio extrusions from the upper atmosphere and filled with subtle textures. Brittle, brisk, and bumpy, each piece encapsulates polished IDM fissures. Diving knee-deep through scribbling sound design and disjointed melodic bursts, Amotken X Idammoro manage to escape time and space, offering three to four minute energy blasts of warped and processed downtempo strains. Venturing into acoustic ambient terrain, the duo concoct microscopic blips’n bleeps along the way. Massaging the ears with uplifting glitched panoramas, Pomegranate provides an indecipherable message that hints at a positive electronic vibration. An international collaboration joining Mexico and Russia in a blissful sonic amalgam.

Pomegranate is available on Detroit Underground. [Bandcamp]

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