Aeriae :: Peril Triage EP (Clan Analogue)

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Distilled harmonies carefully maneuver through an electrical maze, oftentimes scrambled all about in an organized chaotic brew. A refreshing EP of leftfield electronics from the Southern Hemisphere.

Clan Analogue is a long-running Sydney, Australia-based label originally formed in 1992. Fast forward a quarter century, and they’re still churning out release after release. This time we had the opportunity to take Aeriae‘s Peril Triage 7-track extended player for a spin. The results from this talented musician (aka Wade Clarke) is a well-produced foundation of experimental electronics.

Adding to early-era IDM brilliance, artists like Autechre and Arovane immediately flood the senses on “Firmament,” the opening track. Oddly though, its (relevant) sibling “Interment”—which also yields punchy beatwork and downtrodden bass—is sadly missing from the official release. Tumbling low-end wobble, unique data crunching, and rolling rhythms keeps the EP on a focused path. “Resolver” elicits spastic percussive pulses as “Charnel” ricochets its trajectory via industrial tinges and liquefied melodies. The Plaid’esque sound bytes can’t be ignored as both “Resolver” and “Charnel” gravitate towards heavy bass and modular sequences. “Ceanic” features a myriad of drum rattles and synthesizer trails falling by the wayside which evolves into a delicately fast-moving piece.

Sliced mechanical beats and large bass slabs slither all about on Peril Triage. Distilled harmonies carefully maneuver through an electrical maze, oftentimes scrambled all about in an organized chaotic brew. A refreshing EP of leftfield electronics from the Southern Hemisphere.

Peril Triage is available on Clan Analogue.

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