WE FORFEIT (Mix 8) :: Timix for Passerby (Corked 11)

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For this one Robbie and Chris have wandered down a more abstract and ambient path. Chris has chosen some cracking tracks from labels from across the globe and from some known more for a tougher more galvanized style, such as Power Vacuum and Frustrated Funk. Robbie has picked out a selection of old ambient records with some modern abstract experimentations.

We were asked to put this one together from a musical mate I met back in Belfast, Tim Carroll, who has recently set up a label with his mate Gus. Back then we were moony eyed floor walkers in the corporate world, now we’re older. Passerby‘s mission statement is to “release film and music, with an emphasis on the earthy and ethereal” and to date the imprint has lived up to that with some cracking audio visual ventures such as a documentary on Detroit’s lesser heard hip hop, “A Detroit Beat Tape,” alongside a burgeoning catalogue of mixes from folk far and wide in the form of Corked.

For this one Robbie and Chris have wandered down a more abstract and ambient path. Chris has chosen some cracking tracks from labels from across the globe and from some known more for a tougher more galvanized style, such as Power Vacuum and Frustrated Funk. “South Pacific” is taken from a Joey Beltram’s Aonox album, a collection of tracks with a far milder sound than his well known punchy productions which was released last year. Chris also chose a really sweet number from Caron’s excellent EP from a couple of years back as well as offering two tracks from labels based in Spain: El Gaviero Ediciones and the superb Lapsus.

Robbie has picked out a selection of old ambient records with some modern abstract experimentations. To start off is the strangely intimate musical machinations of Zoviet*France before the modulations of Severence and the rough edges of TR Kirstein & Sune T.B. Nielsen. In the middle is a favourite from Richard Devine with two selections from the excellent Chill Out or Die Vol 2 on Rising high split by the warmth of FrameWatcher on Shimmering Moods. Robbie has reviewed a number of the records from which tracks have been selected, such as Roger 23’s cracking LP on Mensch and Oubys’ eerie sci-fi inspired Second Planet. The finale comes in the shape of Lexanculpt’s orchestral “Anburl” from Gosub’s always inspiring Isophlux.

Tracklist ::
Alma Construct :: Circulator (Power Vacuum)
VC-118A :: Sequence (Frustrated Funk)
Joey Beltram :: South Pacific (Ownlife)
Caron :: Enlightened (030303)
Juan Manuel Cindrón :: La Colección de Samuel (El Gaviero Ediciones)
Pye Corner Audio :: Mainframe (Lapsus Records)
Four Hands / Zoviet*France :: Mountain Of Mammon (:Zoviet*France: Version) (Signals)
Severence :: Benjolin Drone I (Mensch)
TR Kirstein & Sune T.B. Nielsen ‎:: I Am So Happy I Could Spit (Infinite Waves)
Richard Devine :: Anthracite T. Vari (Schematic)
Friends, Lovers & Family :: Turning The Screws (Rising High)
FrameWatcher :: Seed Growing Secretly (Shimmering Moods)
Influx :: Dreamscape (Rising High)
Roger 23 :: Grey Clouds (Mensch)
Oubys :: Iso Prism (Testtoon)
Lexaunculpt :: Anburl (Isophlux)

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