I hear a complex array of compositions that are brought closer by the worldwide common experience of those times, also just the amazing human ability to express things using sound.
V/A :: The 88 Notes (Series 2) (EC Underground)
I find that this whole collection is relaxing to listen to, with plenty of interesting sounds to hear, in lots of combinations and layers.
Mause :: Demux Seq EP (Xephem)
A smorgasbord of well-programmed electronics for the body and soul.
Nick Herman :: Subliminal Mind Pub EP (Self Released)
There’s a certain amount of calming dynamics on offer with Subliminal Mind Pub where Vancouver, Canada-based Nick Herman blends analog machines with raw instrumental workouts…
Davide Tonini :: Departure (Detroit Underground)
A powerful and balanced modular assortment worth every minute of your time to consume.
Ümlaut :: Same But Different (Audiobulb)
Nostalgic moments and crunchy bits weave an infinite web of looping sparks and drifting drones.
As One :: AsOne² (De:tuned)
DeGiorgio and Prendergast deliver ambient techno with an unmistakable modern angle and style. AsOne² cannot be rushed, it is an album that demands the listener to slow down, stop and ponder.
Frore :: Biome (Spotted Peccary)
Bubbly and deep, slow moving clouds of moving illusion. The long slow drones with beats sound like a primitive machine just running along, doing its cyclic routines as the surrounding scenery strangely flickers into the background.