Into The Quiet delves deeply into the vastness of empty spaces filled with sounds of the adoration of the Earth, seeking an understanding of natural phenomena, and finding commonalities between all living things, things that are best appreciated as a whole.
Author: Robin B. James
Caldon Glover :: Ùir (Cryo Chamber)
The sound is eternal and not coming from a source that is located in a position that could be close by. It just floats up […]
V/A :: Mercury Mission Diaries (Cryo Chamber)
I can’t be sure of the difference. Maybe that is only strange laughter coming from down below as the rescue ship speeds with us inside, and the music really takes off. At the end, things are morphing rapidly and I remember some rare small parts of everything after all.
Arovane :: Miniaturen (Puremagnetik)
What I hear on Miniaturen are those miniature little boxes, interesting sketches and scribbles mostly based on the piano, a piano with prepared tones speaking clearly and artfully.
Maps and Diagrams :: A Study of Ends or Purpose (Handstitched*)
What I hear are experimental, textured soundscapes, multilayered fusions of digital and analog techniques, sparse haunting keyboards and atmospheres…
Alexandre Navarro / Caya :: Phases / Dream Vestibuli (Handstitched*)
Two engaging and alternative perspectives, focused on their diverse range of sound and melodic fusions. Navarro’s Phases & Caya’s Dream Vestibuli is a contrasting range of electronic-acoustic and organic sounds.
Underwater Sleep Orchestra :: Insomnolence (Cryo Chamber)
This album provides restful background music that could be enjoyed while waiting for sleep to take you, with a dark and spooky atmosphere.
James Adrian Brown :: There Is Space Under Your Seat (Castles In Space)
Heavily electronica-based utilizing analog synths alongside tape machines, piano, strings and walls of ambient atmospherics, often focuses on the analog side of capturing and creating sound in the real world with physical hardware.