Dissolved :: Lost In A Femtosecond / Submersion EP (Dissolvedamberrooms)

Both releases are boundless and filled with layers upon layers of panoramic electronic music. Dissolved is a prolific musician that continues to reach far into the lost crevasses of his music machines to sculpt contagious and timeless ambient-IDM manifests.

Dissolved baffles with glimmering electronic composition and muffled melodic streams drifting in panoramic fields. Lost In A Femtosecond slices through eight sparkling pieces where lost voices, samples, crunchy beat-work and an emotive aura has become his signature. The erosion that builds upon these sound fractures is upended by the fragility of yesteryears IDM greats (ie. Bochum Welt, Aphex Twin, Gimmik et al). Take “Rainbow Corruption” as the prime example, its corrosive low-end and percussive dips blend and fold in harmonic fluids. All the while, elusive digital bits shake about on “DIY Mirage,” a dusty onslaught of darker bass and crumpled rhythms forms a mirage of sorts. A sound collage of delicate noise and order. Elsewhere, as noted on “Photometric Veil,” time passes by as drenched pitter-patter tones dance and sputter around a classical theme.

On the just released Submersion extended player, the Scottish musician from Glasgow (now based in Vancouver, BC) delivers more subdued tones and drones. An upfront and clearer vision is revealed on the engulfing and mysterious “Vember Sticks.” On other avenues you’ll find similar electrons fighting to pass through the fog. “Submersion One” maneuvers through minimized valleys, its calming ice sheets floating by effortlessly. “Submersion Two” awakens with beats frolicking in the wind, a soothing massage for the ears just as “Submersion Three” crafts an ambient stream of unconsciousness. Closing with a powerful and nostalgic audible hallucinogen, “An alternative path into Ruptured Nature” cascades and creates other worldly sounds that ebb and flow through 21-minutes of sublime transformation.

Both releases are boundless and filled with layers upon layers of panoramic electronic music. Dissolved is a prolific musician that continues to reach far into the lost crevasses of his music machines to sculpt contagious and timeless ambient-IDM manifests.

Lost In A Femtosecond and Submersion are both available on Dissolvedamberrooms.