The Black Dog :: Virtual + Techno Playtime (Soma, CD)

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(06.06.07) Before their appearance on Warp Records, The Black Dog had their own label,
Black Dog Productions. The trio of Ken Downie, Andy Turner and Ed Handley
worked together on three Black Dog releases on BDP between 1989 and 1990.
These three releases are now considered gold dust. For years, collectors
have scowered the web and second hand stores in hope of these lost 12″s.
There were rumours that when the Plaid Trainer compilation was released
that these lost Black Dog EPs would have a whole CD for themselves. Yet,
legend has it, these plans were scrapped after disputes amongst the three
original members and the 3XCD release was reduced to a 2XCD. For almost
twenty years these tracks have not been heard, apart from a track finding
its way onto a compilation here or there. Well, the archives have been
searched, the cobwebs blown away and the feuds, if there was any, have been
solved. Soma Records, the Glaswegian imprint, are re-issuing two of these
classic British techno EPs: Virtual and Techno Playtime.

Virtual came out in 1989, the start of The Black Dog. Soma have stuck to
the original three tracker, keeping away from potential mixes or edits; this
is how Virtual appeared 18 years ago. The title track, “Virtual,” opens
the EP. Clean cut beats are the signature of that British techno sound of
the 90’s. Thumps fall here and there as synths flow up and down the scale.
Samples are dropped in at intervals. A classic track. “The Weight” follows a
similar line with beats and analog rhythms meeting whilst waves shimmer in
the background. The track is laid back and welcoming, without jolts of
abrasion or abrupt twists; a 90’s techno track in its purest form. “Ambience
with Teeth” starts with a playful synth set up before drums and samples fall
in. The tempo is raised for this finisher. Funky undertones work their way
through this number, but that relaxed techno feel continues despite the rise
in bpm. It’s a great thing to hear this ground breaking EP again. After
years of being an underground treasure, Virtual is, once again, unleashed on
nightclubs across the world.

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Techno Playtime has a little more meat on its bones, with six tracks. Like
Virtual, the title track opens the EP. The track is a medley of sublime
techno rhythms, crisp clean beats with some samples in there too. A measured
piece that adheres to the dancefloors as much as it does to ambient tones.
“Apt” moves in next with full beats and self conscious chords. The track’s
elements sit well together, but do not mingle and bind giving “Apt” a
certainty with light samples liberally sprinkled. “Apt” mixes out into
“Chiba” where analog chaos starts up with beats and distortions running
riot. Yet, as the melody descends in waves the havoc is displaced with clean
sounds working in harmony. Breaks bring stressed samples and beat whirlwinds
as synth and drum are torn and reassembled. P.T.O. The B-Side opens with
ambient lulls and female samples for “It Felt Like It.” The track slowly
comes into being, with beats growing and stretching with some howls breaking
in. A crescendo is reached with looped synths bubbling over before being
brought back to a simmer. The track has more of that Warp A.I. sound than
full techno. Playtime arrives with “Seers & Sages” as light-hearted synths
open. The track breaks wickedly, after which the synthlines are cleaned up
whilst beats menace. This is a real air synth number. Deep beats, choice
chords and an all round awesome piece. “Dog Solitude” completes the record,
and marks the end of The Black Dog tracks released on Black Dog Productions.
The beats are forceful and fast. Samples are once again here, but it is the
beats that keep this number going.

These releases are true techno history, they mark the beginning of a sound
that would influence almost all other spheres of electronic music. These
tracks are steeped in the juices of the 90’s techno scene. Not only are the
EPs inspired and groundbreaking, they are the bones of a movement. Alongside
B12 Records, A.R.T. and Likemind, Black Dog Productions was a label of a new
sound. The legends that surround the label are fantastic too, with rumours
having it that the trio of Ken, Andy and Ed used to motor round London in a
van selling BDP records and the label came to an untimely end when 500
copies of Techno Playtime somehow melted. Virtual and Techno Playtime
were made before any of the animosity arose amongst the original three of
The Black Dog. This is techno that sounds as fresh today as it did almost
twenty years ago, and well done to Soma for getting it back out there.

Virtual + Techno Playtime are both out now on Soma. [Purchase]

  • Soma
  • The Black Dog
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