Jules Levine :: Pixel Dub (Aud-Art)

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The boundaries between smoldering dub escapes through a tunnel filled with dance friendly chemicals of slow-moving synths and agitated glitch.

Jules Levine 'Pixel Dub'
Jules Levine ‘Pixel Dub’

[Release page] The inevitable push-pull effect of genre-crossing can be discovered on Pixel Dub—Jules Levine’s eight-track audio concoction for Aud-Art. Branches of signal-processing noise is exposed on “Depth Charge,” a cyclic maze of churning microfibers and distilled clicks’n cuts. “Dub Stab” takes crisp patches of beatwork into rhythmic terrain—tearing apart old sheets of metallic distortion and causing pixels to flicker effortlessly. The pulse shifts slightly to a more clinical 8-bit groove on the technoid shapes of “Lazer Knife” and “Disintegration.” “Diffraction” blends minimized dribbling beats and taps away at the subconscious to unearth a smorgasbord of colorful electricity. As Pixel Dub does just as you might expect, there’s a playful mood that reveals itself in the background. Digital bursts of data are elevated to a mechanical platform and chiseled techno weaves into and out of a few tracks (ref. “Triangulation”). The boundaries between smoldering dub escapes through a tunnel filled with dance friendly chemicals of slow-moving synths and agitated glitch. As a collection of chilled bits and bytes, Pixel Dub is a charged album of protons and electrons that interplay with calculated bass extrusions. Simply put, this is a cross-pollinated set of fractured exp-electronics worth delving right into.

Pixel Dub is available on Aud-Art. [Release page]

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