Josh Varnedore :: Sun Chapter (Dynamophone)

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[Release page] Fully encapsulated atmospheric emotion is thread throughout each piece of Sub Chapter. Calm, collected and engaging worlds are explored and effortlessly evolved in a plasma-induced stream of forward-moving melodies and glittering bubbles. Micro-layering of abstract details are buried deep within the (ambient) core as sheets of debris reminisce with lava flows of sun-soaked charm. There’s just so much to explore and digest as each entity breathes on its own, floating into unmapped terrain and lifting the heart and mind along the way. These are the subtly moving particles emitted on Josh Varnedore‘s Sun Chapter—an all-encompassing light storm that radiates from start to end with contributions from Pawn, Hammock, Amman Abassi and Stripmall Architecture.

Sun Chapter is available on Dynamophone. [Release page]

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