Kettel :: Dreim (Kracfive, CD)

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Reimer Eising, based in a colder region in Northern Netherlands uniquely captures an abundance of structured beats and an abstract dose of downbeat rhythms. It’s a distinct formula that Kettel has created that many people have been catching on to. Mike Paradinas (aka U-Ziq and Planet Mu label head) picked up on his music and recently released a 7″ entitled Tadley Management, U.S. based Autumn Records featured a Kettel track called “Barsevoice” on the Autumnature compilation, and finally, the Pittsburgh (U.S.) based Kracfive Records realized that the Kettel soundscape is one that should be released for the world to absorb with the launch of Dreim. And it’s about time. With Kettel’s (not Kettle) debut full length, a vivid quantity of subdued beats and tweaked melodic bursts have turned this producer into a quality sound engineer with a focused view. A few tracks on Dreim are reminiscent of the quality electronics that the duo known as Plaid (Warp) have mastered so well. Reimer may have even composed these tunes with a smile on his face the entire time as many of the tracks on this full length are threaded with relaxed, upbeat, and emotional moments.
That’s not to say that there aren’t any dark(er) elements on this 12 track piece. With some of the more experimental titles released on Kracfive’s roster (Octopus Inc.’s Mere Things & Mindless Creatures, and Christopher Graves recently released Special Rumble), Kettel’s debut changes the entire perspective into one that is chilled out, relaxed, and teaming with melodic simplicity. It won’t be any surprise to see your CD tray extremely pleased with the contents on this disc.

Igloo Magazine had a chance to briefly ask Reimer a few questions.. the results are as follow..


  • Theory? ::

    Reply :: I love music, I love to make it. There are not many things which are as pleasant as enjoying the process of creating music you like. My goal is to make music I want to listen to over and over again, and if there are other people who want to do that too, its even better. Because it’s very lovely to share positive feelings about music.

  • Personal description of Kettel ::

    Reply :: My old stuff, which never will be released most likely, is like a rough sketch of what i’m doing now. I like little melodies and tight tracks. It’s all about melody I think. Express emotion — to talk with sound. i don’t want to
    neglect the beats though. Beats can make it groove. I think that’s important too. I often tend to hip hop beats because I find myself being influenced and inspired by hip hop much.
    I love Morricone’s Western tunes too. And especially french classical music like Ravel, Debussy and Satie. I don’t hate Madonna, either.

  • Other projects in the process? ::

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    Reply :: Doing a 7″ and 12″ for Planet Mu, and I have Neo Ouija stuff coming out as well. Working with Kracfive on some projects (like an album with tracks built out of just vocals, hip hop-stuff with rappers (whey), collaborating with them).
    It will be out anywhere in the future, but it’s going be very cool.

  • How long have you been making tracks? ::

    Reply :: Electronically, 3 years now. But I’ve been composing classical music since my 6th, actually. I all wrote it down with a pen, on paper. Mostly piano-pieces (because I’ve played piano for a long while). I still have all the compositions. Sometimes I even steal melodies from them.

  • Any recent appearances? ::

    Reply ::

  • Autumnature Compilation (Autumn)
  • Bliss.Tech Compilation (Pitchcadet)
  • Upcoming Red Pear 12″ with Neo Ouija
  • Tadley Management 12″ on Planet Mu (Aug./Sept. 2001)
  • Upcoming Kettel 7″ (Mouthmoth)
  • Upcoming Kettel 12″ (Autumn)
  • End Transmission.


    Kettel’s Dreim debut full length with Kracfive will be available in April 2001. Check the Kracfive website for soundclips and other pertinent information!

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