Desire Records :: Vive la différence

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Diversity runs hand in hand with Desire, the label explores a spread of sounds. Shoegaze follows industrial, electro follows ambient, indie follows synthwave. Just when you think you’ve got this label figured everything changes, and that piece of reserved synth pop is followed by some house centered piece.

It would be reasonable to think that Desire Records was a newbee. True, the french label has only been on the go for two years; but it has already managed to release quite a catalog. Names include the industrial outfit //TENSE//, Joie Noire and Soft Metals to but scratch the surface of this label’s growing discography. The imprint continues to expand, with recent releases bolstering an impressive start.

Jewels of the Nile formed in 2010, so not bad going that by 2011 their debut album Pleasure had been released. The group’s sound is a somewhat insular form of synth pop, vocals being echoed ever inwards over analogue chords. “Kiss of Fire” sees claustrophobic and probing vocals digesting terse electro chords. “Only Children” maintains a similar electro line with harsh chords and industrialized beats haunted by female vocals. Jewels of the Nile have a very fluid sound, with lyrics and analogue chords melting to one. “When I was a Lover” sees some of the tougher tones parred back for a piece of unrequited synth wave. The quivering vocals that permeate the record give Jewels of the Nile quite a hypnotic quality, shimmering with larynx and synth.

Desire look to the past as well as the present, recently breathing life back into 1980’s outfit Mass. The post punk outfit’s album Labour Of Love first came out on 4AD in 1981 but is now available on Desire. The eclipsed and exasperated tones of the 80’s darkwave scene ache forth as guitar and guttural vocals combine. From start to finish the record is unsettling, drawing on elements of drone, punk and despondency. A generous slice of angst with a decent amount of leather clad swagger.

Diversity runs hand in hand with Desire, the label explores a spread of sounds. Shoegaze follows industrial, electro follows ambient, indie follows synthwave. Just when you think you’ve got this label figured everything changes, and that piece of reserved synth pop is followed by some house centered piece. Desire is an exciting label that appears to have no shortage of ideas, influences and inspiration.

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