Q-Chip :: Difference That Makes A Difference EP (Solar One Music)

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Dancefloors disintegrate under extreme electrical currents, melodies contort and harmonies twist as the convulsive treatment is administered by the inhumane Q-Chip.

Google Q-Chip. You won’t find an Electro artist. No. Instead you’ll end up at a pharmaceutical company in Cardiff. Not what you’re after? Don’t worry. Little is known about Q-Chip, his (if it is a he) only appearance being on a split album with Cestrian for Bunker. Since that Untitled LP of 2012 the unknown musician has remained, well unknown. Now a second statement has been issued, a musical statement in the form of Difference That Makes A Difference, the follow up to Dynarec’s Exomove and part 2 of the Elektronische Werke series on Solar One Music.

Blood drains from veins, skin turns grey, as all human life is immediately consumed by the machine battery of “Pleasure Anxiety.” Snares crack and chords stab, brash and brutal from beginning to end. Brittle, haggard melodies arrive with the title piece, shrieking bars staggering in and out of tune for a bug-eyed beast. The ice grip of Sence Data follows. Spiking chords cut through darkened vocoders and shrill snares. Coldness dominates the EP, a biting chill slicing through the 12”.

Difference That Makes A Difference is a harsh and metallic four tracker. Severe stabs of sound dissect, pierce and saw. Dancefloors disintegrate under extreme electrical currents, melodies contort and harmonies twist as the convulsive treatment is administered by the inhumane Q-Chip.

Difference That Makes A Difference is available on Solar One Music.

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