enereph | Production Unit Xero :: premoniss | Bukimi no Tani Genshō (Heterodox)

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Merging uncanny sound worlds and dark droning synthesis to more direct and punchy post-industrial wastelands.

A surreal traverse through post-industrial sandstorms

Heterodox presents enereph and Production Unit Xero with a collaborative release titled premoniss | Bukimi no Tani Genshō. Together they merge uncanny sound worlds and dark droning synthesis (ref. “sinew to pith”) to more direct and punchy post-industrial wastelands like “silenthes”—a flowing and emotive avalanche of electrical beauty.

The album dips and dives into moody and tribal terrain, yet brittle in its construction, as evidenced on “fanoos.” Ethereal voices and mutated rhythms begin to unfold on “into,” further signaling that this collab has evolved into elevated sonic plateaus. Drifting downtempo strands tether each track, slowly becoming a mirage—a distant image of foggy sound structures takes shape, only to disappear once we approach. “void” details this theory with wind chimes, melodic strands and distant voices as a pulsing beat punctuates the mood.

The heart of these nine pieces is submerged in fuzzy electro-nic glitch layers (listen to personal favorite: “escape from atlantis”) where the mist continues to expand with a tangible ebb and flow. The glitches don’t stray too far either—”Docter Druid’s Island” provides ample blips and pitter-patter beats strewn with dissolved drones off in the distance. Closing with saccharine ambience on “Venus Sextiled Saturn,” the duo leaves us wanting more. A surreal traverse through post-industrial sandstorms.

premoniss | Bukimi no Tani Genshō is available on Heterodox. [Bandcamp]

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