Beispiel :: Muster (Faitiche)

Sharing an infinite love for modular synthesizers and electronic ventriloquists fullest in their encircling surprises.

An ever-spontaneous ellipsis

An emphatic Morr Music supporter since the label’s unique personality in the delivery of IDM, electronica, and dreamt up Plinkerpop (or Plinker music) foundations by Thomas Morr in late 1999′ and yet cohesively gifted the simultaneous opportunity to review the eloquently tapestried non-musical linguistics by way of decades of longitudinal legends cascading through sound art characterization of the omniscient movement of minimalism via adviser and founder of the German record label Faitiche Jan Jelinek.

Skip forward into an ever-spontaneous ellipsis found through the sounded decades as Faitiche presents Beispiel (a multiplexed manifestation that suggests uniting and playing together) by the joint projections leading the listener to approach the slighted sliding into presentations by Frank Bretschneider and Jan Jelinek.

Album highlights include the ocular panning vibrations of “2,” tadpole tap-dancing along in “J&F-2A,” the irregular intervals of diameters shackling through the explorations of “1(1.Teil),” rugged drony aerosols drifting on the lam the “Version1” patterned Fatima can only bring, or even the molecules of typewritten occurrences occupying the crescent “18-6-28-FB&JJ-E.” 

Muster is a very delicate, incensed purity of recombinant exploration, insouciantly freeing its musical concepts of grapnel eschatological ambient semantics. Instead, it offers no preparation or logic before trying anything inclusive within its delivery. As a result, simple people appreciate each other’s work; while sharing an infinite love for modular synthesizers and electronic ventriloquists fullest in their encircling surprises.

Muster is available on Faitiche March 18, 2022. [Bandcamp]
