This collection comes from outer space, from Tibet, Texas, Arizona, the Sleepy Hills, there are micro-audio interpretations, then tumbling back into deep space, ancient Africa and then settling over the Southern Ocean. This compilation features tracks from Spotted Peccary’s 38th year in existence.
Tag: Sverre Knut Johansen
Sverre Knut Johansen :: Still Time (Spotted Peccary Music)
Still Time celebrates humans and nature, always considering that we are here on Earth together. The music reveals some new percussion sounds added to the studio at Space Center Music Productions in Sandane, Norway, and some experiments with international ethnic voices.
Sverre Knut Johansen :: METAHUMAN (Spotted Peccary)
We are the authors of space-time, we must embrace our true role. This album presents an opportunity for using your ears to explore some of the seemingly impossible and fantastic ideas of Deepak Chopra musically, inside your own mind.