Golden Fangs’ music is an intricate and dense blend of musical styles like industrial, noise rock, dub, and trip hop that’s both addictive and delectable.
Tag: Stazma
Stazma :: Caring Too Much EP (Concrete Collage / Grey Meta)
Not unexpected, Caring Too Much is a magnetic release that will have us coming back as it exposes top-notch, mind-blowing mayhem.
chromasy :: “Paradigm” (Self Released)
While entrenched in the archives of electronica from the late 90s, chromasy sets a benchmark in the roaring twenties where subtle chord alterations and brittle sparks push “Paradigm” forward.
RENEGADE ANDROID :: The Good Times EP (Concrete Collage)
Renegade Android continues to unroll the goods with seven tracks that slice and dice through a multitude of explosive old-school gaming-infused electronics.
ANORAK :: Antisocial (Concrete Collage)
An album of sped up rhythmic shadows that captivates the listener with its ravaged sonic scope and barely gives us time to take a breather.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2022
After covering several hundred releases in 2022, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no winners or runners-up as the lists are alphabetized by artist and selected tracks are featured on our Soundcloud playlist.
Julien Guillot :: Pink Snow (Concrete Collage)
This album is also some sort of a tribute to everything non-linear and unpredictable in the audio world, such as analogue circuits, tubes, spring reverb, tapes, all those things that made those pieces sound as they sound.
Le Perche Oreille :: We Are Robots (Concrete Collage)
We Are Robots provides plenty of brittle collisions and polished sonic artifacts with curious melodies and briskly shuffled rhythms…
Stazma :: AE-04 (Adepta Editions)
Julien Guillot (aka Stazma, Stazma The Junglechrist) definitely knows how to pack hundreds upon hundreds of sounds…