Compared to Grischa Lichtenberger’s previous efforts, 1224_28_lv_1_re obliteration—released by South Korean label dingn\dents at the extreme tail end of 2024—leans even further into the digital noise side of glitch.
Tag: Raster
Il Quadro di Troisi :: Remixes (Raster)
The album sounds like an enlargement of the sounds and spaces of their first album, an exploration shared by artists and friends who gravitate around this […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2021
After covering several hundred releases in 2021, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no […]
Novi_sad :: ΚΕΡΑΥΝΟΣ (Raster)
Each track is a unique representation of deep levels of the otherworldly, avid exploration teamed with vivid contextual compositions that emanate an individual beauty.
Island People :: II (Raster)
Island People manage to sustain a monumental trip, that tilts between anxiety inducing sweats to amassing bravery within the listener to continue along this archaic […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2020
“In the midst of a global pandemic that has dominated 2020—roaming across a cinematic soundscape in flux, and surveying darker, perhaps stranger chasms—(artists) draw inspiration […]
NOTON signs new artist :: Saele Valese — IVIC LP announced
The music possesses a dilated, shuffling rhythmic base, much like the firm traversal of a tanker against a storm of jangling components, and still moments […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2018
With contributions from Alan Lockett, Chang Terhune, Chris Amell, Clint Anderson, Eric Sorenson, Philippe Blache, Pietro Da Sacco, Robbie Geoghegan, and Will Andahazy, Igloo Magazine has […]
Robert Lippok :: Applied Autonomy (Raster)
Experimental electronics from deep in left field. Robert Lippok, lately of To Rococo Rot, collaborations with other Berlin-based musicians like 2005’s Tesri (with Barbara Morgenstern) […]