In this carnival of music, with an unreliable narrator as your guide, listeners are liable to move from one attraction to the next, thrilled by the slight menace and delighted by the cotton ear candy.
Tag: Neo Ouija
Karsten Pflum :: Liars EP (Central Processing Unit)
You really can’t go wrong with Karsten Pflum, and he continues in his vibrant, acid-tinged electro-nics, full stop, for Central Processing Unit.
V/A :: Into The Luminous Future: Cottage Industries 12 (Neo Ouija)
The nostalgia is palpable. Braindance, glitch, electro, acid, funk, electronica, and vintage soundscapes reach into the luminous future.
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2022
After covering several hundred releases in 2022, many notables—including links to their respective Igloo reviews or release pages—are cataloged here. As usual, there are no winners or runners-up as the lists are alphabetized by artist and selected tracks are featured on our Soundcloud playlist.
mōshonsensu :: A Strange Dystopian Tundra (Rednetic)
Mōshonsensu shapes an explosive grandeur of distant plights plucking deeply not only from his soulful memories of intense thought processes but the horizons of our own.
Autumn Of Communion :: Data Space Bass (Fantasy Enhancing)
How they manage to expertly juxtapose glassy tones with rich sub bass is quite a knack that not many carry off successfully, especially with actual […]
Igloo Magazine :: Best of 2020
“In the midst of a global pandemic that has dominated 2020—roaming across a cinematic soundscape in flux, and surveying darker, perhaps stranger chasms—(artists) draw inspiration […]
V/A :: Decima Circuits: Cottage Industries 10 (Neo Ouija)
Decima Circuits: Cottage Industries 10 is yet another reminder that electronic music has a soul buried deep within the crevasses of each note—if you let […]
V/A :: Cottage Industries 8 (Neo Ouija)
CI8 is another fine international assortment that delves full-throttle into creative musical excavations. Rugged sound design, broken beats, blissful ambient undertones, glitched emissions, and memorable tracks […]