An absolute must and a profound lesson of musical intimacy. Impressively original and multi-talented artist, Matteo Uggeri made a distinctive name in the world of […]
Tag: Matteo Uggeri
SPARKLE IN GREY :: In search of unfamiliar sounds
A sort of introduction to Sparkle in Grey’s unique and hybrid-like musical universe, bringing to the fore a better appreciation about compositional motives as well […]
Sparkle in Grey :: Thursday Evening (Grey Sparkle)
A magmatic, unaltered, interlocking and mind-blowing release that transcends and defies clearly bounded musical frontiers in order to conceive a seriously dreamy sound tapestry, an […]
Matteo Uggeri, Luca Mauri, Francesco Giannico :: Pagetos (Boring Machines)
An intense-ecological sounding ambient release, amazingly covered by melodious post-structural dreamtime sequences. Pagetos is the fourth and final chapter of the Between the elements quadrilogy. This project […]