Digital::Nimbus (Electronic Audio Freakquencies)—radio show #448 featured mix. Broadcasting live every Friday night from 10pm-12am (PST, GMT -8) at KUCI 88.9 FM (Irvine, CA. + […]
Tag: Enabl.ed
Release your ears 2.0
A list of some recent, current and forthcoming titles that are piquing our ears lately—it’s our attempt to point you to some notable releases worth […]
Five questions for Enpeg
“The music label has become synonymous with technology, every year the old model becomes extinct, so continual reinvention of ourselves, as humble as our methods […]
Five questions for Concrete Plastic
Concrete Plastic formed on 06/06/06 and was the brainchild of Steve Hyland who had previously founded and co-run Ai Records. With a love of electronic […]
Iameb 57 :: Delicate Glitch EP (Nueva Forma)
Moving very little soil in these windswept collages, Delicate Glitch adheres to the chilled side of electronics, casually unearthing layer upon layer of sonic bubbles that burst […]
Enabl.ed :: The Perfect Provider EP (Concrete Plastic)
Although each piece has magnetized layers of digital flux tied to fractured melodic hues, the result is an over-saturated mixture of data-processed beatwork and a […]
Enabl.ed :: Modules Fail (Enpeg)
Modules Fail collapses time and drives a stake through clicking rhythms, digitized hip-hop and an overall crunch that is undeniably rooted in echo’s of the […]
V/A :: Crazy Compilation #5 (Crazy Language)
Crazy Language are on the forefront of manifesting their unusually attractive sonic shapes that it’s no wonder artists like Yvat, Rec_Overflow, Randomform, AZ-Rotator, Lucidstatic (and […]