As a global electronic music family, we come together in hopes that our words will do justice to honor the beautiful soul that was Árni Grétar Jóhannesson (Futuregrapher). Written by Anne Jackson with support by Mick Chillage.
Tag: Darren McClure
V/A :: Móatún 7 から Tetsu Inoue へ (Móatún 7)
The album spans 24 cuts almost exclusively from Móatún 7 artists, and these were selected from over 100 entries. It must have been quite the job selecting them. It’s a beautiful collection of emotional ambient music.
Tomotsugu Nakamura :: Nothing Left Behind (Laaps)
Gentle, melodic, and yet never too easy. Nakamura’s music has an edge; it stays away from the new age world or just be pleasing.
Elsewhereness revisited #19 soundsfromlockdown
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blather, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, with accompanying mix, Elsewhereness revisited […]
Audiobulb :: Exhibition #100
September 2020 :: Each single (one single per day for 34 days) is a unique art piece from artists past and present as well as […]
Elsewhereness revisited #16 new age of isolationism
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new […]
Darren McClure :: On Opposites (Neotantra)
Just as it is difficult to write an ambient review that stands out, it is difficult to write an ambient album that stands out. Fortunately, […]
Darren McClure :: Fata Morgana Live Performance (Data.Wave)
An evocative, soothing, beatless and diaphanous electronic album which seeks illusionary and infinite spaces. Darren McClure is a sound artist based in Japan, specializing in […]
Elsewhereness Revisited #5 selected ambient twerks
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed, and ’camp-ed up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited […]