Time for more tips from the world of cassette releases. As always, there’s so much amazing music out there—with a few favorites from various musical […]
Tag: Cassette
“Something wicked this way comes…” :: Occult Research
More and more labels are turning to tapes. I remember my initial reaction: “Why?” Price being the obvious reason. But, the return to cassettes has […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 4, Space and New Age
As NASA announce the discovery of earth-like planet Kepler-452b and New Horizons beams photos back of Pluto, we felt it was time to indulge in a […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 3
It’s been far too long since the last Tape Transmission but this means there are heaps of excellent releases to catch up on. Boliden :: […]
Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo :: Doropea (Old Bicycle)
In this craft based minimalist work Palumbo is using a vast array of instruments and effects to design expanded micro-tonal sound sculptures in a quite […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 2
Ah. The humble cassette tape. For some it’s been consigned to the history books of defunct formats, for others it’s the medium of choice to […]
TAPE :: Transmissions
Ah. The humble cassette tape. For some it’s been consigned to the history books of defunct formats, for others it’s the medium of choice to […]