Dryft exist in that sweet spot between classic IDM sounds and the more ambient end of the (rhythmic) noise and industrial genres.
Tag: Bitcrush
Releases we now consider classics
It’s absolutely true that the sheer volume of music that falls into the category of Electronica/IDM is so vast that it is daunting if not […]
Dryft :: The Blur Vent (n5MD)
Cadoo turns in some of his most breathtaking work, which masterfully delivers that sublime admixture of beauty and harshness. This is a tough review to […]
Bitcrush :: Collapse (n5MD)
The emotive push-pull effect of Collapse is very much intact from start to end as strings and drums are effortlessly pushed to extreme levels—a milestone […]
Digital::Nimbus Radio #448 Mix
Digital::Nimbus (Electronic Audio Freakquencies)—radio show #448 featured mix. Broadcasting live every Friday night from 10pm-12am (PST, GMT -8) at KUCI 88.9 FM (Irvine, CA. + […]
Five questions for Enpeg
“The music label has become synonymous with technology, every year the old model becomes extinct, so continual reinvention of ourselves, as humble as our methods […]
DNN :: When Things Stop To Move (Halbsicht)
Brushing elements of sheer emotion with bass-trodden rhythms, an overarching theme prevails within these polished tracks. Evolved cloud structures form eerie pulses of percussive beauty; […]
Dryft :: Ventricle (n5MD)
All we can really know is that it’s all about feeling. This is not the time to postulate, discuss, or even dissect the sounds herein, […]
V/A :: The Reconstruction of Fives (n5MD)
The reconstruction, however, is a mixture of form with shoegaze and ambience balanced against the shadow’s of sharply organized electronic noise; a virtual plateau of […]