After each of these compilations the Utrecht imprint has only ever set the bar higher, explored further and dared more. What’s next? More of what is on this record hopefully, more…change, something inevitable for these guys.
Tag: Acid
Si Begg :: Energie Electrique EP (Central Processing Unit)
From what seem to be effortless rhythms and textures morphed around robotic synth shapes, Energie Electrique is unsurprisingly a perfect fit for Sheffield-based CPU.
Deep Spectrum :: Paraíso Fiscal (030303)
Deep Spectrum isn’t focused on the growl of the bass-box, his sound is one of blissful curves and arcing warmth. No surprise that the 030303 camp is exploring new sounds.
V/A :: Giano Electronics Vol.1 (Giano Electronics)
Giano Electronics Vol.1 is a showcase of what the collective and label hope to achieve. The “sub-genres of techno, electro, acid and IDM” are all present on this 12” and executed with precision and emotion.
Mause :: Demux Seq EP (Xephem)
A smorgasbord of well-programmed electronics for the body and soul.
As One :: AsOne² (De:tuned)
DeGiorgio and Prendergast deliver ambient techno with an unmistakable modern angle and style. AsOne² cannot be rushed, it is an album that demands the listener to slow down, stop and ponder.
Halvtrak :: Digital Dawn EP (Cold Blow)
Digital Dawn marks a noticeable shift from his previous outing on Cold Blow, Glass Movers, with the influence of house being more understated on this recent addition.
Planet Love :: D.O.C. EP (return_backspace)
D.O.C. is quite different to its predecessors with a very playful side of the Planet Love project on display. The influences of Italy and piano house are plain to hear, as is the inspiration of the bleep scene.
Fah :: The Switch On My mc202 (The Patching Parlor/Fahtunes)
As you might have guessed, one of the main protagonists of this project is the MC202, along with other analog synths that give the listening experience a heavy, yet very warm feeling.