Xu(e) :: Brown Jenkin EP (Thirsty Leaves)

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Beautifully strange and continuously intricate experimental acid-jazzy electronic paintings.

Xu(e) :: Brown Jenkin EP (Thirsty Leaves)

Thirsty Leaves Music is a newly launched net label based in Thessaloniki devoted to avant-garde electronic/sound art/aural semi acoustic soundscapes. Each edition is ultra limited and offered in a beautifully designed hand-made package. Brown Jenkin by Xu(e) is the label’s latest release.

Xu(e) is the long-time collaborative project of Nicola Fornasari (also known as Xu) and Andrea Poli. Xu(e)’s musical identity is at the cross of experimental dark jazz, ambient noises and aleatoric manipulations. This is an hybrid and fusion-like musical universe sensitive to deep spacious sounds and micro-waving noises. The duo has released a handful of digital outputs since 2007. If i’m not mistaken Brown Jenkin is the first physical release those two sound artists achieved together. They say they are influenced by the Taoism as a complex spiritual aesthetic philosophy. Consequently the musical experiments are intentionally turned to studies on sound shapes, continuums, vibrant sound sculptures and more largely on the perceptual phenomenon.

The vitality of this new release resides in the unusual combination of collages, brooding instrumental sections (in a deliberately avant jazz style), meticulously articulated micro-tonal fragments, manipulated voices and various concrete noises. This EP almost generates a tripped out sonic impact on the listener’s mind. Those experimental acid-jazzy electronic paintings are beautifully strange and continuously intricate. Brown Jenkin offers a challenging sense of compositional avant-gardism in an original stylistic genre which melts electro-acoustic attempts with free-form instrumental abstracts.

Brown Jenkin is available on Thirsty Leaves.

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