Weave :: A Part Not Apart (Self-Released)

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Taking low-end and twisting it around loops of clicks, clangs and tribal spheres, there are chilled escapes of fluid that percolate around downtempo rhythms.

Weave 'A Part Not Apart'
Weave ‘A Part Not Apart’

[Release page] Weave’s self-released collection of music from 2006—2012 represents a slight shift in sound where the microscopic electrical beauty featured on Of The Nature Tone (Cactus Island, 2005) and inbetween (Cactus Island, 2006) is replaced with a more fluid and instrumental method to sound design. Strands of vocals, lively drums, jazz, drum’n bass and interconnected melodies weave into and out of place. Taking low-end and twisting it around loops of clicks, clangs and tribal spheres, there are chilled escapes of fluid that percolate around downtempo rhythms. Pristine digital energy in the form of ambient electronics appears on tracks like “Marin” and “Vibraarp” where mirrors of elegant sonic fiddling are contained. Veering back and forth between flowing patches of lounge music (ie. “On We Go”) and laid-back echoes of early-era Amon Tobin (ie. “Carrizo”), Weave has a knack for subtle, emotive and tranquilized aural landscapes. Sculpting from a seemingly large palette of instruments including digital elements as well as a more hands-on approach with guitars, berimbau, drums and bass, A Part Not Apart easily maneuvers itself through art plastered walls of dim-lit coffee shops as it creates a fog of casual, light-hearted electro-acoustic scenery.

A Part Not Apart is available via Bandcamp.

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