V/A :: Compilation 1 (Electr-ohm, CD)

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(03.06.07) Compilations can be quite a difficult thing to do, you can either overdo
it on one musical level while delivering only partially on another, you
can have one utterly standout track which makes the others pale into
insignificance. Or even there can be no flow because of track choices and
it can all fall down horribly. In fact, there are so many things that can
go wrong that sometimes you’ve got to wonder if they’re worth attempting
at all.

Well, of course they are! Because when done right they can be aurally
stunning and fill you full of new ideas and introduce you to artists you
may never have heard otherwise.

So how does this compilation fare? I’m glad to say extremely well!
Electr-ohm have presented a premier collection of experimental IDM and
percussive experimental industrial, all walking that fine line between the
two genres and having a strong focus on the rhythmic and textural sides of
the spectrum. That’s not to say there isn’t melody in this compilation,
there is! But the focus is clearly on the other side of the rails. Also
I’m glad to say that you’re highly unlikely to hear anything on this
collection on any dancefloors. No, all this material lies in the cerebral
and expressive vein. And the better for it too!

This compilation has that really crispy, chewy digital sound that good
hard electronica delivers and this collection delivers very well indeed
with the kind of sounds that excite the mind and delight your ears. Most
artists only get one track in which to shine, but Sunao Inami, In Center
of Cirle and Symphony Space both get two tracks each. A situation I’m
perfectly pleased with as all three are great food for my ears. The other
artists are excellent too but having these artists twice gives both the
artists a chance to express themselves more and also gives the compilation
a chance to breathe and flow.

From the delicious micro-experimentation of Yumi Matsui and In Center of
Circle to the almost Architect-esque feel of Symphony Space and epic
digital manipulations of Sunao Inami, there is something for everyone who
has hard experimental electronica pumping through their veins and wants
fresh meat for the beast. Recommended!

Compilation 1 is out now on Electr-ohm.

  • Electr-ohm
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