The Green Kingdom / Maps and Diagrams :: Audioloom 1 / Streams (Handstitched*)

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The Green Kingdom’s Audioloom 1 and Maps and Diagrams’ Streams meander through tranquil ambient corridors where blissful melodic strands drift in the margins.

Exploring comfort, calm, and composed soundtracks

The new Handstitched* series of evolving limited-edition issues are released on both mini CD and C45 cassette. The Green Kingdom’s Audioloom 1 and Maps and Diagrams’ Streams meander through tranquil ambient corridors where blissful melodic strands drift in the margins. Whereas The Green Kingdom exposes lively instrumentation on Audioloom 1—eight effervescent sonic delights float just above the Thermosphere, resting on lost moments in time as synths and acoustic/electric strings glide through. Maps and Diagrams, on the other hand, provides familiar B-side nostalgic flares on Streams where drones and tones flutter and a “musical sketchbook” is unraveled in front of our own eyes. As rain droplets sputter and static pulses stretch and withdraw, the undeniable ebb and flow of these audible snapshots are well suited for relaxation—exploring comfort, calm, and composed soundtracks in these strange times.

Audioloom 1 and Streams are available on Handstitched*. [Bandcamp]

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