As you listen, following the slowly emerging sustained long tones, the suggestion of rattling bones, sunshine, lavender and beautiful clean beaches come to mind.
Tag: Tim Martin
Maps and Diagrams :: if all will be lost (quiet details)
All in all, this personal take on the quiet details concept exhibits a deftly turned lower-case sound design prowess that bespeaks years of audio craftsmanship, constituting a compelling entry to a growing catalog.
Maps & Diagrams :: Obscura (Handstitched*)
Acrylic paints and paper art loaded with intrigue, ambient noise and introspection, lo-fi, tape-based pieces in short-form compositions.
Maps and Diagrams :: A Study of Ends or Purpose (Handstitched*)
What I hear are experimental, textured soundscapes, multilayered fusions of digital and analog techniques, sparse haunting keyboards and atmospheres…
X.Y.R. / Danny Scott Lane :: Temple Of Solitary Reflections / UNTITLED (Handstitched*)
HS42 is a tour of studio creations from St. Petersburg, Russia and Los Angeles, California, allowing an easy going jungle-bird themed extended moment…
The Green Kingdom / Maps and Diagrams :: Audioloom 1 / Streams (Handstitched*)
The Green Kingdom’s Audioloom 1 and Maps and Diagrams’ Streams meander through tranquil ambient corridors where blissful melodic strands drift in the margins.
Kiss My Arp OR The Quest for Ceyx (+ Violins)
Ceyx Quest is the latest Handstitched*, by The New Honey Shade, aka audio-visual artist Mark Kuykendall, who, as well as recording himself also produces, masters and engineers sound for films and […]
Beyond The Bristol Sound… Subtext to Fluid Audio
A post-card from Bristol—post-trip hop, drum’nbass, dubstep, a view beyond The Bristol Sound. Alan Lockett surveys the field, and picks out new sounds from Subtext, Sullen Tone, […]
3VIEW :: Maps & Diagrams / x.y.r. (Handstitched*)
We catch up on three recent releases from Tim Martin’s Handstitched* imprint, two from the head of the house with his Maps & Diagrams hat on and one […]