Tastatur :: Electric Lounge Machine (Everest)

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As dance music, it is robotic and demands a sense of humor as well as balance; as brain music, its lithe synthesizer modulations stimulate and amuse.

tastatur-ELMOpening with its back to us, in lab coats, bodies hunched over the corpse of an electronica fast-frozen in the early seventies, Tastatur’s creative controllers, Swiss producers Jakob Stoller and Daniel Wihler bring its heart back to life without reanimating its cumbersome body. As dance music, it is robotic and demands a sense of humor as well as balance; as brain music, its lithe synthesizer modulations stimulate and amuse. Already by the second track, “4. Obergeschoss,” you feel you are hearing a beloved act’s signature tune. It’s that easy to take to heart, despite the fancy footwork. There is a certain cuteness to the music that makes most every track irresistible. All the cool robots agree—they can’t get enough.

Electric Lounge Machine is available on Everest. [Release page]

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