Synth pop has a tendency to focus on the machine sounds, with the larynx being used as an accompaniment. Soma Sema turn this norm on its head.

[Release page] 2011 was a great year for synth wave. Amongst the generous array of re-issues came some choice newcomers and numerous labels showcased this fledgling talent. Kernkrach released the cracking Doppelhertz compilation , La Forme Lente added fuel to their catalogue with Circuites D’Actes 2 whilst the likes of Mannequin and Wierd cut some excellent debutantes. It was late in the year when Genetic Music’s sublabel, No Emb Blanc, broke the surface of 2011. Following releases on the parent label it was time for a 7″ from first timers Soma Sema with Artifical Heart/ Frenzy.
“Artifical Heart” is a slow piece of synth pop. The track seeps with an organic quality, Clara Hall’s vocals being at the track’s core. Synthesizers act as buoy on which to float the lyrics. The track has a sound similar to a subdued Daybed or a less analogue Xeno & Oaklander. The flip introduces “Frenzy.” Once again Hall’s voice is central, the synths taking on an eclipsed aspect with solemnity entering the EP. There is a haunting atmosphere to the piece, a fissure being corrupted to a rupture by the blend of vocals and synth.
Synth pop has a tendency to focus on the machine sounds, with the larynx being used as an accompaniment. Soma Sema turn this norm on its head. Hall’s elegiac song being amplified by ephemeral analogue arches. It can be difficult to judge a book by the first chapter, as it can be to measure a group on two tracks. But, from what can be gleamed from this 7″, Soma Sema have all the makings of a quality synth pop outfit.
Artificial Heart / Frenzy is available on No Emb Blanc. [Release page]