Although Caged may be the title of this 12”, the sounds are anything but. Karlsson has harnessed the rawness of Celldöd and allowed himself to explore something different through more mellow and rounded tones with just a touch of sting in the percussive tail.

A milestone for electronics in Madrid
Reaching ten releases is a landmark for any record label. Spain’s Femur Records has just reached that number. With a back catalogue taking in a spread of styles, the sound pursued by this latest release was anyone’s guess.
The artist of number ten, Skuggministeriet, will ring little to no bells, but the name Anders Karlsson might. Under his Celldöd moniker, this Swedish artist has featured on imprints such as Medical, Suction and, of course, Femur. It would seem a safe assumption that Karlsson would follow his no nonsense brand of fiery electronics as Skuggministeriet, but this new alias has decided to take a somewhat different path.
Across the four tracks, a variety of ideas and genres are explored. The 12” opens with the curiously titled “Wombats in the Snow.” If you’re after some blend of Australian and Scandinavia, think again. Instead, the serving is a sleek yet smouldering slice of electro. The piece builds on slender key changes, the break being reined to increase the ever building tension. “The Last Shark” occupies a darker space. Circles of bass judder next rasping beats, a stark melody offering little solace in this unsettling work. The flip changes the mood. Playful notes gather from the introduction, notes that immediately call to mind early computer soundtracks. “Save Me” never leans of percussion, instead employing understated patterns that lend a shapeshifting quality. The late night floor destroyer is left till last. Drums return in full force, alongside a stabbing bass, in the throbbing sounds of “the Cold Grave.”
Although Caged may be the title of this 12”, the sounds are anything but. Karlsson has harnessed the rawness of Celldöd and allowed himself to explore something different through more mellow and rounded tones with just a touch of sting in the percussive tail. An opening up of expression from a real talent, a milestone for electronics in Madrid.
Caged is available on Femur. [Bandcamp]