Abstract looping tones and drones, static noises, and harsher soundscapes are surrounded by broken beatwork and wide angled bass providing low-pressure dynamics from start to finish.

A bricolage of turbulent yet scattered dub
One of the founding members of artist collective and microlabel Adventurous Music, Signalstoerung returns with a short running release simply titled A featuring an obscure track order (A8, A2, A4, A3, A7 and A5.) The mood is darker still—as compared to past outings—and if we are to absorb this latest effort as a whole, it comes across as brooding, atmospheric, and a bricolage of turbulent yet scattered dub as treacherous rhythms lurk somewhere in the distance. Abstract looping tones and drones, static noises, and harsher soundscapes are surrounded by broken beatwork and wide angled bass providing low-pressure dynamics from start to finish. Almost as if coming to life, each piece offers its own melodic twists and creative turns, most often with tamed yet tumultuous pulses that can’t be ignored. Fans of Scorn, Ivan Shopov, and classic Einóma (albeit with a more subdued slant) should take note. Now to find out where the “missing” tracks “A1” and “A6” might be…
A is available on Hymen. [Bandcamp]