Defrag :: Drown (Hymen)

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Buried in high-pressure dub crumbles, gritty mechanical manifests and unwieldy sonic streams, Defrag is in top form as brooding—almost Subotnick like—synths float by mysteriously.

With three proper albums behind them, Defrag—initially composed of Jeff Dodson and Matt Flego—continue to cull the finest electro-industrial experiments from their music boxes. The moniker now looks to be the prime workings of Jeff Dodson, currently residing in Los Angeles. Drown, the latest outing with Hymen, features bassline smorgasbords and erratic rhythm-blocks forming a magnetized field that is as dense as petrified wood. Bridging the void between broken beats and tumultuous electronics, Defrag’s theme follows the emotional ride that drowning provides (as the press-release states.)

Buried in high-pressure dub crumbles, gritty mechanical manifests and unwieldy sonic streams, Defrag is in top form as brooding—almost Subotnick like—synths float by mysteriously. Floods of hard-hitting electrical activity are accompanied by low-end audio acrobatics crafting an absorbing release that treks into the Mariana Trench only to reemerge unscathed.

Drown is available on Hymen.

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