Dangers’ contributions are obvious but not cliched. There are frantic breakbeats, heavy dub bass and echoes, zaps, bleeps, bloops, bobs warts and carbunkles. Scanone is not hiding in the background, however. There’s a deep techno edge in here with metallic reverbs and stark blasts unlike Mr. Dangers work.

When masters team up with newer, upcoming artists sometimes the stars align and a great work emerges. ONE by Scanone meets Meat Beat Manifesto’ (Yellow Machines) is one (hahahahaha) such collaborative effort. Scanone makes deep, dark and hard electro/techno. If I have to tell you who and what Jack Dangers is and does you should be ashamed of yourself—then you must Google him to redeem your ignorance.
Dangers’ contributions are obvious but not cliched. There are frantic breakbeats, heavy dub bass and echoes, zaps, bleeps, bloops, bobs warts and carbunkles. Scanone is not hiding in the background, however. There’s a deep techno edge in here with metallic reverbs and stark blasts unlike Mr. Dangers work.
“ONE (Original)” kicks the doors open with breakbeats, shouts, screams and loops like a madman on the loose with a long, sharp and bloody knife. This track blends and fades into “ONE (VIP)” with its throbbing bass and scoured clean breakbeats which cohere into a steady rhythmic cut-up drum exhibition with what sounds like stand up bass, making this an insane free-jazz excursion. “ONE (High Plains Grifter)” edges the listener further into the madness on a bed of breakbeats over which multiple samples of people saying the word “one” are tortured for your amusement. There’s shades of Photek in them thar hills but more of great care taken to produce these sounds herein. “ONE (High Plains Grifter – INST)” leaves out the sampled voices for an alternate take on a massive jam. “ONE (El-Cid Brown Acid Version)” throws some deep acid into the mix with 303 synth bleeps and squeals building into a crescendo worthy of a 1990’s Sheffield rave. “ONE (El-Cid Brown Acid – INST)” removes the samples, giving us another acid jam worthy of headphones or gargantuan bass bins.
ONE is available on Yellow Machines.