Özcan Saraç :: 0:1 (時の崖_tokinogake)

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The ultra-processed machinery remains in constant rotation, never really taking a breather, as each chapter channels industrial-glitch acrobatics and tangled signals for as far as the eye can see.

Data streams for extraterrestrial lifeforms

Oh, here’s some (more) noises. Özcan Saraç is content to simply scramble our senses with cumulative glitch extracts forming data streams for extraterrestrial lifeforms. It’s his formula, really. 0:1 finagles its way through ten crumpled sound structures, merging diced pulses and flickering beat patches that don’t seem to let up. The ultra-processed machinery remains in constant rotation, never really taking a breather, as each chapter channels industrial-glitch acrobatics and tangled signals for as far as the eye can see. One does have to wonder though, even with the myriad of sandblasted electronics, where these pieces were intended to go. Is there any kind of direction? Is there supposed to be one? While we enjoy a solid selection of experimental sound-scraping noise, 0:1 digs just a bit further and challenges our patience.

0:1 is available on 時の崖_tokinogake. [Bandcamp]

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