Cathode Ray Tube :: Wandering Stars EP (Condition:Human)

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Cathode Ray Tube’s form of crunchy industrial glitch and blurry hypnotics continues to expand via Wandering Stars’ 4-piece suite.

Crunchy industrial glitch

Cathode Ray Tube’s form of crunchy industrial glitch and blurry hypnotics continues to expand via Wandering Stars‘ 4-piece suite. Opening track (“Plowright”) is perhaps the highlight of the lot where gritty looping beats get snagged in a mess of wires as mechanical soundscapes and simmering synths cascade midway. This is what CRT does best—sending scattered signals from far off spaces for us mere Earthlings to decipher. The fizzing echoes of “Sight Unseen” converge with tranquilized downtempo rhythms as tempered melodies ease us into jagged drums and flowing bleep structures. Does this EP run out of fuel after 15 turbulent minutes? Not at all. “Press Once Twice” delivers corrosive technoid grooves in multiple directions as a dizzying industrial pulse persists. Closing with over eight minutes of cybernetic electronics and crumpled percussion, CRT loosens up and applies ample funk on “An Idea For Leaving,” a strangely dislocated smorgasbord that unfolds at maximum volume—its engulfing detail fully exposed. A blisteringly intense audio voyage worth every minute.

Wandering Stars is available on Condition:Human. [Bancamp]

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