CRT delivers a surreal storm-surging soundtrack that breaks through with fragmented synthesis and industrial techno juxtaposition.
Tag: Chang Terhune
Cathode Ray Tube :: Imperfect Vessel EP (Condition Human)
CRT distinctively combines scorched electronics and panoramic imperfections to create a unique blend of powerful soundtrack motifs.
Cathode Ray Tube :: The Oryx At Night EP (Condition Human)
Cathode Ray Tube keeps up his regular aural explorations and characterizes his most recent work as dark ambient / Deutsche kosmiche, but he also explores a world in which certain audibles have form and others remain formless.
Cathode Ray Tube :: Parity Town EP (Condition Human)
Industrial and synthetic terrain nevertheless harbors a wide variety of severely saturated beats, noise, and bizarre soundscapes.
Cathode Ray Tube :: Infrastrictura EP (Condition:Human)
A whirling patchwork of disconnected sound sources and blips that nevertheless work well together.
Cathopsis :: Cathopsis (Component)
A seriously tough and targeted collection of harsher electronics.
2view :: Cathode Ray Tube (Condition:Human)
The Island of Doubt and Colossus are available on Condition:Human and what a wicked and unexpected storm they are.
Cathode Ray Tube :: Cycle:55 EP (Condition Human)
The prolific Cathode Ray Tube, a project by Maine-based Chang Terhune, has been at it for a very long time, and he manages to keep churning out the tunes.
Cathode Ray Tube :: The Burning Century EP (Triplicate)
The Burning Century gathers and distills, shifts and rattles, yet somehow manages to seep into the subconscious.